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Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Now don't get the wrong idea here.

I've been offered a part time job with Versatile. They want me tinker with the layout of their new JIT manufacturing plant. It's 150,000 square feet of madness. Since I'm going back to Uni in the fall I've been looking around for some part time work, but I didn't expect a response so quickly. What should I charge them?


Blogger KMag said...

That's a tough one Norm, I stuggle with the how much to charge question alot myself, which I think is common for the self employeed professional, wanting to make good money, and knowing that you should given your training and skill, but not knowing what that number is! Sorry I'm not much help, but I can empathize! Would you be charging hourly or for the whole contract?

11:20 AM


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