My intent with this post is to summarize 2008 in text and in pictures. The close of 2008 marks 20 months since I've moved to Vancouver and I've had the good fortune to meet some really fun, kind, and interesting people in that time. There is a community forming for me here that I really enjoy being around. However it was a year of learning for me in what could probably be described as one of the most discontented years of my life so far. It's hard for me to put my finger on exactly what the issue was. Even just thinking this way makes me feel ungrateful. On some level I feel my discontent was linked to a desperate desire to find true love and on another level I think it could be my need to feel like I'm doing something really meaningful with my life. There are days when I look around and if I think about things too much I'm overcome by a sense of doom and only a glimmer of hope and I wonder how I could make a bigger impact from day to day. Perhaps feeling a sense of discontent is normal? I'm going to ponder this for a bit and try and do my summary of 2008 justice. For now I'll simply pick some of the best pictures of 2008 which highlight the highs from the year past. There are a few pictures that I've not uploaded including the Kettle Valley Rail, simply because I don't have them handy.